Where is your focus?

When I decided to build a business online – I literally had NO CLUE where to begin.
I had seen an ad for a system that was very comprehensive, offered a tremendous amount of training/education and through it, I learned a lot, but although I went step by step through the system, I was nowhere near ready to act on what I’d learned.

The person who had referred me tried to “help” me by doing a lot of the setup for me, that got my funnel going but I had no idea how it really worked.

As I tried to progress along I ran into a brick wall (as I perceived it), the cost to continue was extremely high. I put that opp on the shelf and tried to find something else that I COULD afford. Lord knows there was and is no shortage of companies vying for our money, and a lot of them making extraordinary promises that may or may not be true.

I was a bit discouraged, but I saw others succeeding and was driven to become one too!!

My luck changed one day when I noticed this young girl absolutely rocking the first company I’d tried. We chatted a few times and we shared each other’s experiences and she was honest, smart and on the verge of her massive breakthrough!! I was hooked! I thought, with her guidance (translate MENTORSHIP) I’m going to do this. 

I wanted what she had, I grew a lot but hadn’t changed my mindset enough YET!

Through many, many videos, books and absorbing the encouragement and tips and strategies of the BIG names in our industry, My mind opened up to possibilities THAT I’d never even imagined possible. Names like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Eric Worre, Robert Kiyosaki, ALL offering insights, education and motivation to become a better version of myself.

After many $$$ spent, many lessons learned (often the hard way) connections made and friendships developed I finally have the courage and confidence to share my experiences with others and now that I’ve connected with a comprehensive, synchronized system of tools that takes all the guesswork out succeeding online!!

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